30 vs 30: results

04 May 2019 20:38

The main event of the third day, the battles in the mass nomination 30 vs 30 are over! Awesome fights! 9 teams gathered to fight for the gold of this category. This new category proved to be challenging, tough and above all very exciting. This is the 2nd biggest category at this edition of Battle of the Nations and the biggest one fought so far. This event is full of pleasant surprises. Everyone waited with intense anticipation for these results. And now we are ready to announce them!

The official results of mass fights in the category 30 vs 30:
1. Russia
2. Ukraine
3. United Kingdom

Without a doubt, the HMB World Championship Battle of the Nations 2019 will forever be a fond memory for participants and fans of HMB sports around the world!

We thank all the teams that took part in these amazing battles and congratulate the winners.

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